Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today's Perk of Being a Mama - Cuteness

Yesterday was another warm weather day, so I took C to the backyard to play. He was climbing, crawling, running, sliding, walking, swinging - and of course, muddy. The picture above is the one moment of peace that he had - this is after he climbed the ladder and before he went down the slide (a dog barked and distracted him).

Monday, March 15, 2010

Today's Perk of Being a Mama - Sharing My Love of Reading

I love to read. Give me a good book and a quiet Sunday afternoon and I am HAPPY. As you can tell from the photo above, Christopher also has a special love for books. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today's Perk of Being a Mama - Gin Wagon

This picture is slightly blurred - but I love it! His cheeks are full, his eyes are big and brown, his lips look rosy - and do you see the chubby little hand/arm?

He looks so sweet in the photo that you would never have guessed that moments before this shot he threw his toy car (which was actually a little wagon the size of a toy car and it had wheels) into the neighbors cocktail - this event sparked my new favorite term "Gin Wagon"...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's Perk of Being a Mama - Warm Weather Days

It was unseasonably warm in Indiana today - low 70's - so I decided to walk C over to the park by Grandma & Grandpa Ahlrichs' house. The sun was shining, the kids were laughing - and C only bumped himself once (his chin hit the slide, but he brushed it off).