It was still not quite light outside when we left for daycare yesterday morning. Christopher was still sleepy and was pretty quiet. As the sun was starting to slowly rise, I saw him checking himself out in the monkey mirror that hangs on the headrest of the seat in front of him.
We were stopped at a light when he said: "Mama?"
I looked into the rearview mirror at him and said: "Yes?"
"I SOOO handsome."
"Oh yes, baby bear - you are the MOST handsome boy I know."
Chris, nodding in agreement: "Yeah...."
We were stopped at a light when he said: "Mama?"
I looked into the rearview mirror at him and said: "Yes?"
"I SOOO handsome."
"Oh yes, baby bear - you are the MOST handsome boy I know."
Chris, nodding in agreement: "Yeah...."
I couldn't capture a picture of that moment in time with my sweet little confident boy, so here is another photo to show off just HOW handsome he is:

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